الخدمات الالكترونية


الدورات والندوات


التعليم المستمر

دورات الطلاب قريبا


IAS 40 — Investment Property



IAS 40 Investment Property applies to the accounting for property (land and/or buildings) held to earn rentals or for capital appreciation (or both).


Investment properties are initially measured at cost and, with some exceptions. may be subsequently measured using a cost model or fair value model, with changes in the fair value under the fair value model being recognised in profit or loss.

Investment property should be recognised as an asset when it is probable that the future economic benefits that are associated with the property will flow to the entity, and the cost of the property can be reliably measured. 

الأقتراحات والشكاوي

تهدف الجمعية الى اكتساب الخبرة العملية من خلال الكوادر القادرة على ارتقاء الطلاب والخريجين الى مستوي عالى ومتقدم ومواكب الى افضل المراكز العالمية

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