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The objectives of IAS 19 Employee benefits include:

1.    Recognition and Measurement of Employee Benefits: aims to establish principles for recognizing and measuring the cost of employee benefits. (This includes short-term benefits, such as wages and salaries, as well as long-term benefits, such as pensions).

2.    Consistency in Accounting Treatment: seeks to promote consistency in the accounting treatment of employee benefits across different entities.

3.    Accurate Representation of Financial Position: aims to ensure that the financial statements provide an accurate representation of an entity's financial position by requiring the recognition of the costs associated with employee benefits.

4.    Disclosure Requirements: establishes disclosure requirements to ensure that relevant information about employee benefits is disclosed in the financial statements. (information about the nature and types of employee benefits, the methods and assumptions used in measuring these benefits).

5.    Consideration of Termination Benefits: provides guidance on the accounting treatment for termination benefits, encouraging entities to recognize the cost of termination benefits when they are incurred or when the entity has a formal plan for such benefits.


The main objectives of IAS 20 Accounting for Government Grants include:


1.    Recognition and Presentation of Government Grants: aims to establish principles for recognizing and presenting government grants in the financial statements.

2.    Fair Presentation of Financial Statements: seeks to ensure that financial statements present a true and fair view of an entity's financial position, financial performance, and cash flows.

3.    Distinguishing Between Government Assistance and Government Grants: aims to provide guidance on distinguishing between government assistance and government grants.

4.    Conditions Attached to Government Grants: provides guidance on how to account for grants with specific conditions, such as performance-related conditions, and how to recognize these grants over the periods in which the conditions are fulfilled.


The objectives of IFRS 17 Insurance contracts include:


1.    Improved Financial Reporting: provide more relevant and transparent information about an insurance company's financial performance and financial position.

2.    Better Communication of Risk and Financial Position: it requires insurers to provide more comprehensive information about the risks associated with insurance contracts and the impact of those risks on the company's financial position.

3.    Timely Recognition of Profit and Loss: it introduces the "building block" approach for measuring insurance contract liabilities.

4.    Better Information for Investors and Analysts: provide investors, analysts, and other stakeholders with clearer and more relevant information about an insurance company's performance and financial position.

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Al Qasba - Business - Block ( F ) - Sharjah