الخدمات الالكترونية


الدورات والندوات


التعليم المستمر

دورات الطلاب قريبا

The objectives of IAS 24 “related party disclosures” are centered around promoting transparency, accountability, and the fair representation of an entity's financial relationships with related parties in its financial statements.


The objectives of IAS 10 “Events after reporting period“ are centered around ensuring the accuracy, consistency, and relevance of financial statements by providing guidance on the treatment of events occurring after the reporting period. This contributes to the overall quality and reliability of financial reporting.


The objectives of IFRS 12 “Disclosure of interests in other entities” are centered around enhancing transparency, providing detailed information about an entity's interests in various entities, and promoting consistency and comparability in financial reporting.


The objectives of IAS 28 “Investment in associates and joint ventures” are centered around prescribing appropriate accounting treatment, ensuring accurate measurement, enhancing transparency, promoting consistency, facilitating informed decision-making, avoiding double counting, and contributing to global financial reporting convergence in the context of investments in associates and joint ventures.

الأقتراحات والشكاوي

تهدف الجمعية الى اكتساب الخبرة العملية من خلال الكوادر القادرة على ارتقاء الطلاب والخريجين الى مستوي عالى ومتقدم ومواكب الى افضل المراكز العالمية

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