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The organization's goals

  • Develop and standardize the regulations and standards for practicing the accounting and auditing profession in the country.
  • Preparing and studying accounting and auditing standards and suggesting ways to develop them and submit them to the competent authorities in the country for approval and issuance.
  • Suggest ways and means of organizing the profession and raising the level of professional performance.
  • Suggesting the appropriate organization for field monitoring to ensure that the accountant and legal auditor apply accounting and auditing standards and adhere to the provisions of the law organizing the profession and the economic laws in force in the country.
  • Carrying out the work required by the competent authorities in the country related to the development of the profession and increasing the efficiency of its services in a way that helps support economic activity and increase its effectiveness.
  • The association should have real-time information about the profession inside and outside the country, including the applications of standards.
  • Contribute to preparing professionals, developing their capabilities and qualifying them.
  • Care for the rights of members relevant to the profession.
  • Coordination with the competent authorities, and providing job opportunities for members in accordance with the laws in force in the country.
  • Contribute to suggesting the necessary rules for the accounting exam, if approved, and registering the auditors in the register with the Ministry of Economy and submitting them to the competent authorities for reference.
  • Preparing studies related to the rules and ethics of the profession and submitting them to the competent authorities to oblige practitioners with them.