IAS 27 – Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements
4 Hours, 22 Oct 2023, 10:00 AM-2:00 PM
IAS 27 — Consolidated and Separate Financial
IAS 27
Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements outlines when an entity must
consolidate another entity, how to account for a change in ownership interest,
how to prepare separate financial statements, and related disclosures.
Consolidation is based on the concept of 'control' and changes in ownership
interests while control is maintained are accounted for as transactions between
owners as owners in equity.
IAS 27 has
the twin objectives of setting standards to be applied:
in the preparation and presentation of consolidated
financial statements for a group of entities under the control of a parent; and
in accounting for investments in subsidiaries, jointly
controlled entities, and associates when an entity elects, or is required by
local regulations, to present separate (non-consolidated) financial statements.